Thursday, June 27

WWE wrestler Edge’s body transformation over the years, shown in photos

A person can change a lot over the years, and that’s certainly true when talking about the always vile R-rated superstar, Edge. He is a man who has been through a lot in his career, from serious injuries to an official retirement, and one of the most amazing returns to the ring anyone has ever seen.

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Considering Edge has been a lifelong devotee of wrestling, it makes sense that as his image changed over the years, so would his body. Edge has sported a few different physiques over the years, but some might argue that his most recent run has him looking the most impressive of all.


10 young adam

young edge
A group of photos showing WWE Superstar Edge in his youth.

There is no shame in being a scrawny kid, many people were exactly that at some point in their lives. Things were no different for Edge when he was younger. It is likely that his energy and his love for his wrestling made him bite his nails to enter the gym to be as big as his idols.

Even as a kid, Edge was more than capable of picking Christian up for a solid punch. Then, as the pair have aged, it’s possible to see the humble beginnings of both stars, even if they’re not as bulky as they would eventually become.

9 advantage in the indies


Watching Edge, accompanied by Christian, when the two were still fresh on the wrestling scene in the early ’90s is always fascinating. It’s a window into how stars are born, for while both men are recognizable, neither look like the stars they would become.

Edge doesn’t exactly look like he’s not hitting the gym, but he’s far from the physical prime of his career. That makes sense considering that Edge has been open about his struggles to balance his life when he was in the early stages of wrestling.

8 sexton castle

Edge as Sexton Hardcastle
A photo of Edge as Sexton Hardcastle on the independent circuit

When you see a photo of Edge as Sexton Hardcastle, you can find the true beginnings of the R-rated superstar. He’s not dialed in, but you can tell he’s been putting in reps in the gym and it’s starting to pay off.

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His height helps him look like a more imposing figure even with a bit of a smirk on his face. The man has some guns going, but they’re still not the 24-inch pythons of his biggest idol, though he’d just keep getting more impressive as the years went by.

7 His WWE debut

Edge's WWE debut

Photos from around the time of Edge’s WWE debut in 1998 don’t show much change from his Sexton Hardcastle days. Although he apparently has a bit more tan, his build is pretty much the same.

To give him some credit, it sounds like Edge was working on getting a little more cut. Those who work out will know how difficult it can be to maintain muscle while tearing your midsection, so he definitely deserves some credit for that.

6 couples champion

edge and christian

Thanks to Edge’s devotion to his friend Christian, the pair became one of the most legendary teams in WWE history, featuring a number of instant classics in tag team wrestling. During this period, Edge wasn’t always the most muscular guy, but that didn’t matter much.

Edge was still an imposing figure in the ring, and not having the stereotypical bodybuilder physique really paid off considering he and Christian stood out as a heels tag team. He and Christian came at the perfect time to clash with the looks and style of The Hardy Boyz and The Dudley Boyz.

5 Intercontinental Champion

WWE Edge as the US and Intercontinental Champion

It seems that once Edge’s tag team career was coming to an end, he wanted to get in the best shape he could for what could be in his future. Most people know that world champions are usually some of the most physically impressive men in WWE.

Getting too bulky wouldn’t have fit Edge’s look, so the fact that he got a bit more shredded only helped him stand out as a character women could love (and love to hate). Of course, from about 2001 to 2003, Edge’s fantastic and underrated fights only helped him stand out even more.

4 wwe champion


In a way, it almost feels like Edge took a step back in terms of his physique at the time of his first World Championship win. He’d never looked like a ripped monster throughout his career, but he’d also lost much of the ripped definition he’d tended to sport years before, shortly after reaching the top.

While that may seem counterintuitive to some, it was just another thing that made the Edge one of the most popular heels around. After cashing in his Money in the Bank contract against John Cena in incredible fashion, Edge truly became the ultimate opportunist.

3 Return from injury in 2010

Edge Royal Rumble 2010 Cropped

In 2009, Edge suffered one of his many pretty serious injuries that could have completely changed the trajectory of his career. An Achilles tendon problem that required surgery was supposed to keep him out for over a year, but Edge made his surprise return at the 2010 Royal Rumble.

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While he looked like the same Edge that everyone knows and loves, it seemed like the time off had done him a few favors. There seemed to be a bit more definition to his physique upon his return, something that made his shock Royal Rumble victory all the more incredible.

2 Retirement

Edge Raw April 23, 2012 Trimmed

There’s a reason many people still view Edge’s retirement as one of the saddest moments in WWE history. For many fans, it all came out of nowhere. Fortunately, Edge was able to keep himself busy while he was away from wrestling.

Still spending a lot of time in front of the camera, Edge took on many acting roles, and while he’s always been a big guy, his physique seemed to thin out a bit, likely due to initial concerns about his spinal stenosis. With that being said, Edge tried out a different look for once with shorter hair and everyone seemed to love it.

one The return to the ring

edge returns

For many people, Edge’s impressive return to the WWE ring and his current run with the company might be his most impressive physique yet. A lot of people were surprised by how torn Edge looked when he once again returned to a Royal Rumble match.

The man sports a solid six pack every night even though he is of advanced age. He’s still not going to have a great time fighting Mark Henry, but in a way, his leaner, ripped physique almost completes the look of him better than ever.

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