Friday, June 28

Triple H’s body transformation over the years, shown in photos

When a wrestler has been so deeply embedded in the wrestling industry for as long as someone like Triple H, it only makes sense that they would have some unique periods in their career. Everyone knows about the different eras of Triple H, including Hunter Hurst Helmsley, his early days in DX, his time as The Game, and much, much more.

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While her body didn’t always change drastically between different periods of her career, that doesn’t mean there weren’t some changes. Changing styles, stepping back from the ring, and coming back from a career-threatening injury are all things that can completely change the shape of the body.


eleven the teenage years

triple h young
Young Triple H hoping to become a bodybuilder

It’s funny to see someone like Triple H when he was younger because most people probably can’t help but see him as the towering force that ‘The Game’ is. While he wasn’t anywhere near how big he would eventually become, it’s clear that he had been working.

Apparently, Triple H had taken an interest in bodybuilding because he wanted to emulate the incredible fighters he admired so much. As a muscular boy, most people his age were probably careful not to get on his bad side.

10 WCW days

Triple H posing for a photo at WCW

Somehow, a lot of people don’t actually know that Triple H got his start in WCW when he started his career. In 1994 and 1995, a young Triple H was competing as Terra Ryzing and Jean-Paul Levesque.

The man is instantly recognizable, even with a thick set of golden locks, thanks to his classic physique. Triple H seemed to always be in peak condition in the early days of his career, making it even more surprising that he would grow even more in the years to come.

9 Hunter Hearst Helmsley Arrives

Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Triple H would make the leap to WWE in 1995 and from there he would gradually begin his growth both as a performer and physically. During this period, Hunter Hearst Helmsley was really nothing to look at in comparison to many other artists.

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It was in his early run with the company that the young star’s potential would begin to show, leading to quick success. Though it’s fair to say that Triple H sported some serious guns during this period of his career.

8 D-Generation X Ascends

Original D-Generation X

If he hadn’t shown his star power to the people yet, the formation of D-Generation X definitely did. It’s one of the most recognizable and influential factions of the ’90s for a reason, and Triple H took advantage of this time to hone his skills and body.

Often appearing alongside Chyna, Triple H managed to look like the biggest guy in the room every time he stepped into the ring. The tight shirts and skintight leather jackets he wore also helped show everyone just how big Triple H had gotten.

7 the first championship

Triple H WWF Champion 2nd Reign Trimmed

As her career trajectory increased, so did her body size. By the time Triple H won his first WWE Championship, he had physically become an absolute monster. As of this moment, it seemed that Triple H had entered his physical prime.

His body alone could have brought anyone to the kind of superstar status he had found. He had completed his personality and now he was the meanest man in almost every room he walked into, whether people wanted to see him or not.

6 The McMahon-Helmsley Era

Triple H's alliance with Stephanie cropped

Shortly after beginning his winning spree at the World Championship, Triple H would properly align himself with Stephanie McMahon, forming the iconic McMahon-Helmsley faction that would dominate WWE TV for what some would consider too long.

During this period, Triple H was winning every title that came his way and looking good while doing it. Thanks to the absolutely massive size of him at this point, he only looked bigger with the relatively small Stephanie circling around him.

5 Evolution

Evolution Armageddon 2003 cropped

By the time the start of 2003 rolled around, it seemed like Triple H was doing everything he could to stay bulky while ignoring being as cut as possible. In general, it is in this era that some people have pointed out that Triple H is a bit fat as an actor.

That doesn’t mean he still couldn’t get in the ring, as Triple H was arguably doing some of the best work of his career while with Evolution. Still, the man often looked a bit plumper than before, but even that would eventually change.

4 DX meeting


When Shawn Michaels returned to WWE, fans were begging for a D-Generation X reunion of sorts, and that’s exactly what people got. Triple H still looked like an absolute beast during this era, but he was able to come back and have some more fun, usually at the expense of Vince and Shane McMahon.

He hadn’t added much more definition to his midriff, but it could be argued that the older he got, the more he suited the in-ring look. Some people have criticized Triple H in this era and in the past for looking a little bloated whenever he sweated too much in a match.

3 the operations manager

Triple H in the ring

When Triple H stepped away from full-time in-ring action in 2011, many people were disappointed to see ‘The Game’ leave. While he may not have seen as much action in the ring, that clearly didn’t stop him from staying in incredible shape.

RELATED: Chris Jericho’s body transformation over the years, shown in photos

After cutting his hair, Triple H began to look quite different than what most fans were used to. A thick suit often hid his physique, leading some to believe that he had grown slightly smaller, something that was belied on the rare occasions that he stepped into the ring.

2 another championship race

Triple H Royal Rumble 2016 cropped

Triple H hadn’t disappeared from WWE television often, but he did in 2015 after an attack by Roman Reigns. When he made his shock return to win his final World Championship at the Royal Rumble in 2016, Triple H was there to impress.

It looked like the man hadn’t missed a step in the ring and quite possibly looked to be in the best shape of his career. He looked as big as ever, but where he’d often had a paunch over the years, he now often sported a solid six-pack.

one the modern game

triple h wwe 1

It’s probably fair to say that Triple H now has a flabby old man’s body right now, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t working. The man still manages to look like the baddest guy in the room when he steps into the ring, though fans are unlikely to see him again.

Considering Triple H has apparently retired for good after a serious medical scare, it’s time for the man to enjoy his role outside of the ring, make some major changes, and treat his body however he wants. While he’s likely to stay in good shape, no one could blame him for getting a little fatter now.

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